E-Bikes Are Rad

One of the most enjoyable activities around the Salzkammergut has to be cycling. With the superb R2 cycle network as well as countless forest and mountain trails there are a variety of options to suit all. Now that e-bikes can assist with the uphill section this can open up some routes for those of us who may have struggled before, or can simply allow for longer or faster outings, just make sure you know the range of the battery and where you can charge it if necessary! Of course this isn’t motor biking, so you still have to pedal and while the motor can take a lot of the strain out of uphill sections it is still enjoyable exercise and actually makes the uphill incredibly fun. It doesn’t hurt when the reward can be views to enjoy, like those below.

Some great views await whilst cycling around Aurach am Hongar

“E-biking is the greatest thing to happen to mountain biking since mountain biking”

Rob Warner
The Ewige Wand near Bad Goisern is a dramatic experience!

Ignore the naysayers! The truth is a lot of people who have negative thoughts about e-biking or who might suggest “it’s cheating” have never even used one! It is such a great activity as it also enables those who would otherwise not be able to keep up in certain circumstances, the chance to tag along, such as children or your friends who don’t cycle so much. Of course you need to stick to your capabilities and not get too excited with the new opportunities e-biking can allow you to explore so getting some good advice on where to ride is key.

Where can I ride my e-bike?

A sample of some of our favourite routes for climbing those vertical metres, all of which are beautiful right from the door of the Rosenhof;

  • Beautiful cycle up to Langbathseen over the Hohe Lueg and onto Großalm
  • A lap around the Sonnstein mountains
  • Cycling along the stunning Rindbach valley over to lake Offensee via Fahrnau DH trail
  • Biking and hiking to Bromberg and Petergupf
  • Dramatic trip past the Gasselkogel with a rewarding view from Spitzlsteinalm

If you haven’t got your own e-bike it is straight forward enough to hire from one of the many bike shops in the area. So what are you waiting for!? Get rad(eln)!

A chance to cool off on a stretch cycling along the Rindbach

About Robert Blee

Addicted to snowboarding, cycling, hiking and most activities involving the stunning lakes and mountains around us, I love living in Ebensee, Austria!